
It’s More Fun Time Puzzle Overview
Dropkicks Puzzle
Twelve “throwing stars”
Normal 90s Teenagers Puzzle
Five Ranger standees and bases
Four Ranger limbs
Four brass fasteners

Gather the twelve throwing stars, and fold the points backward along the red lines.

The Megazorb beast names may have been misheard. Try saying them out loud.

Put each Megazorb beast’s name and picture face to face so that the red lines are touching, then tape along the dotted lines.

The final assembled shape is a rhombic dodecahedron.

Once all Megazorb beasts are matched up, the only visible parts are the colored diamonds.

Follow the lines on the outside of the dodecahedron to fill in the circles on the pizza slice box.

Every circle on the pizza slice box should have one letter in it.  If you have done this, congratulations! Please continue to the puzzle titled “Dropkicks”

Attach one arm to each shoulder by overlapping the yellow and green stars.  Attach one leg to each hip by overlapping the blue and dark blue stars.  Then punch the included fasteners through the stars and fold them open.  Now the arms and legs should be able to rotate.

At this point, you are unable to continue this puzzle until you completely finish the puzzle titled “It’s More Fun Time”.

If you have completely finished the puzzle titled “It’s More Fun Time”, rotate the figure’s arms and legs to approximate the indicated karate power poses.

For each karate power pose, denote which letters the figure is pointing to. If two limbs are pointing to the exact same letter, only record that letter once.

Once all the letters have been recorded, the puzzle will be in the format of a DropQuote puzzle. These are also sometimes referred to as Quotefall puzzles. Each letter from a power pose will go in that pose’s column, in some order.

A good place to begin with Dropquotes is by looking at the shortest words (a, an, the, of, to…) and then look for common word endings (-ing, -s, -e)

The first line of the puzzle is “A STEAMING”


Use the Ranger standees on the school map to walk the Rangers through their totally normal school day.

There are twenty-six rooms in the school, and each begins with a unique letter of the alphabet.

Using the first letter of each room name, each Ranger’s path should spell a word over the course of the day.