
Thirty-nine Pizza Slices
Mysterious Piece of Paper

Sort the pizza slices into four piles, based on size.

Make compound words by putting the slices next to each other.  For example, in the large pizza you can put the slices for BLOCK, PARTY, and CENTRAL in order next to each other because “block party” and “party central” are open compound words.

Pizza > Box > Spring > Chicken > Sausage

Pizza > Pie > Tin > Cup > Cake > Pan > Fried > Chicken > Sausage

Pizza > Party > Game > Master > Key > Lime > Green > Olive > Garden > Veggie

Pizza > Slice > Open > Season > Greeting > Card > Sharp > Knife > Block > Party > Central > Air > Guitar > String > Cheese

Once you have the slices arranged into a pizza, tape them together carefully.  Once you have all four pizzas, match up the center symbol with the mysterious piece of paper and attach them using the fasteners from the Japan section.

Focus on one pizza topping at a time.  For example, line all four triangles on the “PIZZA” slices up with the nearest picture of a mushroom.  This will help you find a connection between the mushrooms on the pizzas.

First make sure all four “PIZZA” slices are lined up with the mushroom triangles.  Then use the string from the Atlantis section (or a straightedge) to connect the mushroom on the biggest pizza with the mushroom on the second biggest pizza.  Then do the same between the smallest pizza and the second smallest pizza.  This should form an X over the letter “S”

Put the letters you find in order based on the toppings in the Menu Options list from the very first puzzle.