
Whirlpool Puzzle overview
Trees Puzzle
Alchemy Puzzle
Mural Puzzle Overview
Twenty-four Mural squares

The hint answers will begin at the outside of the whirlpool, spiraling in.  There will be one letter per section.

Time to climb back out of the whirlpool! Read the letters you’ve written backwards.


Focus on one tree at a time.  Each tree will yield a two-letter answer.

Start by looking up what Mendeleev is best known for.

Look at where these numbers are located on a periodic table. Where are they pointing?

Each little owl has 2-3 letters written on it.  Without rearranging each individual set of letters, you’ll need to combine them all into one message.

“An unexamined life is not worth living”

If you connect the owls to spell the message in order, it should form the shape of two letters.

This tree is also known as the “Tree of Tri-bonds”! If you don’t know what those are, look up some examples so you know what to do.

Each of the top four colored circles is the name of a fruit, with some letters missing.

The fruit names, with missing letters capitalized, are: maNgO, waTermeLon, orAnGe, mulbERry.  So the secret message is NOT LAGER

The answer to the hint “Not lager” is ALE

Figure out one more fruit name, with two missing letters

The final fruit name is “apple”, so the final solution is “PP”

Each major branch of the tree indicates performing a certain operation on the numbers that join together.

Triangle = 7, Circle = 5, Square = 6, Pentagon = 1.

Index the numbers into the alphabet (A=1, B=2, C=3, etc.)

Follow the orange path to put your pairs of letters in order


Each circle under the word “ALCHEMIST” should get a letter written inside.

Each word will be made from the scrambled letters of the word above it, minus one letter.  The letter “lost” goes in the circle to the right.

The definitions of the words are given to you in order in the strange note.

The words, in order from top to bottom are: CLIMATES, CALMEST, CAMELS, SCALE, SEAL, SEA, AS, A

Each of the letters on the right comes from the original word, ALCHEMIST.  Pay close attention to that letter’s position in the word.

You may notice that there are the same number of letters in ALCHEMIST as there are cracked pots.  So match each of the letters on the right to one of the pots.

Between CLIMATES” and “CALMEST”, the letter I is lost.  I is in the seventh position in the word ALCHEMIST. So the second letter is M.


Find connections between pictures to find out how they might be related.  For example, if someone is making noise, others might love or hate that noise. Remember that some connections might have spaces between. For example, Artemis can fire arrows pretty far!

4 squares wide, 6 squares tall.

Look carefully at the stars to see if they form a familiar shape.  The answer is the name of the three teal stars.